Upcoming Events


Not your average shooting course, you'll not only learn how to safely and effectively use firearms for personal defense and tactical operations, you'll condition your mindset for all of life's challenges with techniques, standards, and best practices developed by Navy SEALs, Special Forces, & tactical operators.

This course is designed to be fun, engaging, and leaps above average shooting courses. You'll be exposed to various firearms and scenarios and receive individual constructive feedback and mentorship from our experienced team.

August 23rd-25th 2024, Perry Florida

"Vicuna 25"

This will be a private event held in beautiful Patagonia Chile.

Summer 2025

Past Events

Ultimate Shooting Adventure

Our courses offers world-class instruction in pistol and carbine usage to enhance speed, accuracy, and weapon manipulation. Utilizing both steel and paper ranges, we focus on tactical applications and proven shooting techniques, reinforced by live-fire demonstrations.

The curriculum includes transitioning between pistols and rifles, and features seven "Operator Standards" drills, each with specific performance requirements.

Designed for maximum skill development, the course progresses in complexity, allowing for repeated enrollment with fresh challenges.